SusuPetal is a fictional virtual person writing on the Net. SusuPetal was born in 2005, the person writing SusuPetal a little bit earlier.



I have several blogs. These blogs contain fiction, poems, photographs, paintings and videos. Occasionally some facts, too.



I've published ten books: Taikkarin mäellä (a collection of poems), Toinen painos (a collection of short stories), Valkoiset talot (a novel), Keskiäkäisiä hajatelmia (a comic book), Sairaalapäiväkirja (a diary written in a psychiatric hospital), Goottiemon kauhujen lipas (a novel),  Pellen muotokuva (a collection of short stories), Kultainen talja-Golden Fleece (a photo-text book with photographer Lasse Ansaharju, texts also in English), Hedda ja Zen (a comics book) and Vanhat poikaystävät ( a collection of poems 2006-2016)


Besides writing I make handicrafts, jewelry and paint. I've had painting and photograph exhibitions.


Hope you enjoy visiting SusuPetal’s homepage and blogs!